bird behaviour

bird behaviour

Visits To The Magpies Nests Makes The Kookaburras Talk

The birds love us visiting their patch to look at their nests and catch a glimpse of their chicks.  Most of the time, their nests are too high up in the trees for us to get a look inside.  But once the babes are bigger and peer over the edge, we can introduce ourselves.  Sometimes the chicks even call us and stand up to show themselves.  Maggie and Vicky have always proudly shown us their nests and babes.  Larry and Harrie, the grey butcherbirds too. 

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Koels, Cuckoos and Coucals

 female koel Popularly called storm birds, many species of cuckoos live around the region.  The birds themselves tend to be shy and elusive as they are not too popular amongst the birds due to their infamous breeding habits.  The crows have fallen victim more than once and yet lovingly raised several channel-billed cuckoos.  The experience has made them quite wary and they do tend to chase the cuckoos when they can.  But the cuckoo is a persi

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A beautiful thing

There is a beautiful thing about animals that I am sure readers who have the privilege to observe wild animals closely and make friendships with them will have also observed: we give them little things like food, that cost us next to nothing, for a long time they will they have no chance to give anything back; but when they do get that chance, they give everything they have.

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A Lucky Rescue Makes A Happy Family

Driving to work this morning Ron saw a small bird walking awkwardly on the road, desperately trying to get away from a crow, while two of its friends who were trying their best to distract the crow were having no impact.  Ron stopped the car and picked up the bird.  He or she could not fly and it was hard to tell whether it was permanently injured.  The bird was so happy to be picked up and Ron felt he certainly didn't want to be eaten by the crow.  By the time Ron turned the car around and brought him home, holding him gently in his hand, the bird looked very comfortable, snug and warm in

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